The general manager is responsible with the company’s activities and operations in a certain area or in the entire area in which the company offer services or distributes services. They take action in accordance with the company’s approved business plan and adjust the departments in order to best reflect the strategies devised by the directory board. They report to the executive staff members. If you think this job suits your profile, skills and qualifications, the general manager job description below will give you further insight into the requirements of this position.
Short general manager job description
General Managers get involved in all sectors of a business in order to implement company’s vision and achieve their long and short term goals. They have duties in the operational sector, in the human relationship department, project management sector, marketing and PR sector and in the administrative sector. Other departments may also require supervision in order to make sure the company’s policies and procedures are fully met.
Tasks and responsibilities
The tasks associated with the general manager position vary significantly from company to company. Large companies have managers for every department, while the general manager supervises their activity. In smaller businesses, the general manager also functions as the head of all departments. Regardless of the number of employees or departments, there are a number of duties and responsibilities which can be found in any general manager job description. A comprehensive list featuring these tasks is detailed below. The general manager:
• Co-ordinates the departments and works with their members in order to achieve the best prices, marketing strategies and develop the largest sales and distribution network;
• Assigns employees tasks and roles within the company, monitors their performances and motivates them to improve their professional skills;
• Develops a friendly working environment where morality, professionalism and deadline fulfillment are the only standards accepted;
• Decides which departments need more personnel and gets directly involved in the selection and training processes;
• Constantly evaluates the employees and ensures they have the proper training in order to achieve customer satisfaction;
• Manages budget, funds different activities and directs investments so as to maximize the profit and follow company’s vision;
• Oversees the production/service providing departments, ensuring that everything is done correctly and within the assigned budget;
• Gets actively involved in marketing campaigns by setting layouts, designing special prices and offers and working along with the department in charge to maximize the campaign’s success;
• Perform sales duties from time to time in order to evaluate client satisfaction and motivate the sales personnel.
The general manager job description mentions a normal 40-hour weekly schedule. Extra hours may be required during busy periods and will be remunerated accordingly. The candidate must be available for travelling to different locations for business meetings and supervision activities.
Education and experience
The minimum education required in the general manager job description for this position is a bachelor’s degree in business or in the field in which the business activates. Further knowledge of both sectors achieved from different specialization courses is a plus and will be considered. An MBA degree is highly appreciated.
A 5 years’ experience in a similar position is necessary in order to be considered for this job. Experience as a department manager or other managerial job will also be taken into consideration.
Skills and personal features
Strong management skills and leadership abilities are necessary in order to occupy a general manager position. Other professional skills featured in any general manager job description are: team work abilities, good judgment and fast problem solving skills and the ability to work under pressure in order to respect imposed deadlines. In points of personal features, the most appreciated are cordiality, self-confidence, creativity, the ability to create strong interpersonal relationships and the ability to communicate flawlessly both orally and in written.